Voices For Action


Friday, June 21, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., UAW Center, 151 W. Jefferson, Detroit
These sessions are designed to not only generate discussion but to provide solutions, a computerized AUDIENCE OPINION SURVEY will be conducted on the topics TO BE discussed. The Think Tank Topics run a common thread through the moral and social agenda of Dr. King. A panel will guide the discussion for each topic. Interaction from the workshop participants will be encouraged.

At the morning general assembly, a computerized assessment will be conducted on the discussed topics. At the general assembly in the afternoon another assessment will be conducted, based upon those participating in the workshop. Also, at the afternoon session a report-out will be delivered for each workshop. This will be used to develop an action agenda.


• Labor and Church Working Together: Reinvesting in the Capital of the Past.
morning session

• Public Education/Higher Education: The Progress Being Made/Access for our Community/Student Preparation.
morning and afternoon session

• How Do We Involve Our Youth in Helping Cease the Violence:
morning and afternoon session

• How Do We Address Voter Suppression: How Do We Develop Leadership for the Opportunities in Politics?
morning session

• Employment Trends and Skills: Where Are We Going?
afternoon session.

• Racism, Islamic Phobia, Anti-Semitism: Discrimination Against Women.
morning and afternoon sessions

• Affordable Healthcare Act: How Does It Impact the Uninsured, Under-insured and the Insured?
afternoon session

Registration: 8-9 a.m.
General Assembly: 9-10 a.m.
The morning workshops will run 10-12:,
Lunch will be provided noon-1 p.m.
Afternoon sessions will be 1-2:45 p.m.
General Assembly 3-4 p.m.
Registration available online, as well as, on site.
Questions concerning VFA, call eBusiness Strategies:

• Register Online

May 11-June 21, 2013:

Citywide video contest asks high school and college students, “What community-building are you doing in Detroit to realize the dream?”

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