Take A Step

On June 22, 2013, at 9 a.m., thousands are being asked to “Take a Step” in the 50th anniversary march in honor of the original Walk to Freedom/Freedom Walk led in Detroit by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. On that day 50 years ago, in what is considered to be the original debut of his now-famous “I Have a Dream Speech,” King told tens of thousands of people that it was time for the government and society to get serious about providing opportunities and parity in employment, education, housing and the overall quality of life for persons of color.

Sponsored by UAW-Ford and the Detroit Branch NAACP, this year’s walk serves as a reminder of that legacy and its pivotal role in the city’s transition from one of isolation to inclusion. But it also is a chance for those who recognize the need for further progress to join in that call.

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May 11-June 21, 2013:
  • Citywide video contest asks high school and college students, “What community-building are you doing in Detroit to realize the dream?”
June 21, 2013:
  • MLK Think Tank for Social Action
June 22, 2013:
  • 9 a.m.: “Take a Step” toward building the next 50 years of accomplishments. The walk will begin on Woodward Avenue near Forest and lead to Hart Plaza, where it will end with a rally.

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